Thank You for Treating My Meniere’s Disease

Written by Silverstein Institute | May 25, 2016 10:23:27 PM

Dear Dr. Silverstein,
Words cannot begin to describe my feelings of gratitude for your help in my fight with Meniere’s disease.

When I first came to you in 2011, I felt helpless as I had been battling with severe vertigo attacks for several years. My struggle with Meniere’s was so severe and debilitating, that I felt like giving up on life and I truly believe that if it had continued, I would have.
I have now lived 5 years symptom free and I cannot express the comfort and relief that it has brought me. I am incredibly thankful each day for what you have done for me and I hope you never forget how much God loves and uses you each day to brighten the lives around you. You are forever in my prayers.